Corporate Yoga

Increase productivity with happy and healthy staff! A lunch time class can be a wonderful way to regain energy for the afternoon, welcoming in clarity, creativity, focus and motivation.

A health and wellness program should be a part of the overall company strategy for a healthy workplace. The impact of movement can be profound, and a workplace that supports physical activity provides and enhances quality of life for employees, while making the place of work an enjoyable environment. A yoga class within the work day will leave your team feeling refreshed, restored and better able to deal with the pressures of their work. Incorporating a class into their day will benefit both your employees and your company in multiple ways, such as:

  • Maintaining high performance by prioritizing the well-being of your team, keeping them happy, motivated and energized. Employees with fewer physical and emotional stresses are more focused and driven to achieve. With reduced stress levels comes the ability to maintain a clear and productive mindset.
  • Decreasing the turnover rate by keeping employees happy with their environment. A yoga class in the office creates a sense of team work and bonding, resulting in a positive workplace culture.
  • Lowering the number of sick days taken by enhancing overall health and reducing the likelihood of injuries. Yoga is also a proven immune system booster, and people who are physically healthy are less likely to be affected by common colds and flu.
  • Decreasing employees’ fatigue and back pain by enhancing their strength and posture to endure the long hours sitting at their desk.
  • Enhancing corporate image.

It is important to look beyond the immediate cost of running a yoga program in the office, and to look at the long term benefits to your company and its employees. Get in touch with me for a free consultation.


  • 30 minute initial consultation: Free
  • 45 minute class: $70/session or $650 for a 10-class package.
  • 60 minute class: $80/session or $750 for a 10-class package.