Private Classes

Bring the practice to the comfort of your home! Wether it be with your family, a group of friends, or just one-on one, these classes are tailored to your individual needs.

Private yoga classes mean individualized attention and guidance, ensuring proper alignment and a safe practice. We will work together to achieve your physical, emotional and spiritual goals. Some of the benefits of private yoga classes are:

  • Focusing on your individual goals and customizing the classes to achieve them.
  • Accommodating to your schedule.
  • Adapting the practice being mindful and sensible towards health concerns. When dealing with injuries or other health concerns, a standard group yoga class can be unnerving or have adverse effects. We will work around your limitations to avoid further complications while still progressing towards your goals.
  • Providing support to help you move into more challenging poses safely.
  • Allowing the opportunity of developing a plan for you to practice at home on your own. Once we’ve nailed down the proper alignment, how to move through the posses, and the specific needs of your body, we can establish a plan for your personal home yoga.


  • 30 minute initial consultation: Free
  • 60 minute class: $60/session or $550 for a 10-class package.
  • 90 minute class: $85/session or $800 for a 10-class package.

Private lessons can be split between up to 3 people. Add $10 per class for each additional person beyond that to a maximum of 6 people in total. The classes are held in your home or available space of your choice.