Unroll your inner yogi


Private Classes

Bring the practice to the comfort of your home! Wether it be with your family, a group of friends, or just one-on one, these classes are tailored to your individual needs.

Corporate Yoga

Increase productivity with happy and healthy staff! A lunch time class can be a wonderful way to regain energy for the afternoon, welcoming in clarity, creativity, focus and motivation.

Group Classes

Check here for a listing of my upcoming classes.

Nathalie Uribe

I aim to help my students become healthier and happier beings

I completed my 200-hour certification in the fall of 2015 in India, “the land of the heart”, and the vibrant place where yoga originated. My practice deepened, my awareness was enhanced and I became a more compassionate being. As a fully certified instructor, I want to pass this amazing gift to my students with classes focused on moving with intention, proper alignment and drawing inwards. We will work hard through strengthening poses, while creating space to increase flexibility. Expect fun, empowering and challenging classes, that are accessible to all levels. My goal is to help you move towards a healthier and happier self, bridging the gap between mind and body and becoming more present. I’m excited to share this journey into blissfulness with you.

  • My Yoga Story


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